Thursday, 22 October 2009

Frank Vandenbroucke

I took it differently to most of the others, I mean to anybody else, I ever spoke to on the vulgar fucking subject. There is one thing I don’t know and he knows, and it remains, that's two legs on the same plane knees tucked in, scooting, hollering down, being 17 and taking the piss out of what the older guys can do and having your name, the one you casually drop as you peel off the fucking wheel and go to mother's old home made... potato dumplings bacon?? You virtually admitted to eating virtually nothing when you weren't racing and bashing in sheets of aluminium when you were at school, your morality was there for, for bullshit, there are your eyes, which you give to everybody, then there's what behind them and that's yours, had them since you were 11 or 12 as far as I can remember, when you started bleaching your hair, the most disappointing fuckers are those that stray from the ambitions we had then.

Our rampaging twenties. Yeahh very funny and where were you then? Busting your arse busting my arse it doesn’t really matter frankly I don’t give a shit about you never did if you’re going to speak I want the language to have just eked out of a moment in history otherwise shut the fuck up, to have been spat out like a fleck of gruel stuck in your throat as you threw yourself on the floor - when you threw your bike down you looked like a girl and your legs like the doughy ones of an embarrassed teenager - knowing only that you’d either lost or won and that the crowd was roaring. If you don’t speak then don’t ever bother again.

As we rampaged through that decade.

I don’t give a rat’s arse about what anybody else said about you frankly I think it’s some sick joke that they still talk that way when all I can think of is that you knew something none of us knew and for this I feel a little shitter, a little more deadened than the usual because what a roaring rollercoaster you would have been to be alive, and me too, we would have left the others for dead in your huge sorrows I know, drink me under the table pal, if only, haha, if only then I had the time to savour it the next day. Haha you know you know you know? What do the other's know their behaviour is a clear indication of their wide-spanning and bland painful ignorance, come on.


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