Sunday 30 August 2009

Analysis 1

How and why did the future change???
As unemployment becomes an increasing reality, how might we think of unemployment as an artistic and philosophical category?


Friday 28 August 2009

The Evening

I thought the glory… the world would be at my feet… as I punched the air with one fist… everybody watching me… the glory… the world at my feet…  satisfaction is, obviously, having nothing left to do, imagine!  And… the piss-stinking city was below me, me… ha ha… I am scorched pink earth (THAT EVENING I DIDN’T DISTINGUISH THE EARTH FROM THE SKY, horizon)… the world actually streams out from my head… like tending to the plants on my small balcony.  It’s true.

When I can’t sleep… or who knows when (actually that this thing is happening)… aching for… I think… it’s all a question of this battle with death… I run to suicide inventing all before me…

with nothing behind your eyelids… only the world is a couple of lines I invented… until youth hits some extreme exhaustion like a truck running straight into a wall at 90 clicks in the middle of the night with the high beams on…  And what then may await us?  … Your head in the stars.

And then refuse to die, as if the shell of yourself can keep going… without anything to distinguish itself from a shell.  This being your pathetic will, I imagine, and I admire it.   Everything after youth merely refusing death… in a straight line, any other discourse being deviant bullshit.



Saturday 15 August 2009

I Can Remember Helmut Newton Like It Was Yesterday


Africa Pt 2

Only pussies don’t write.


Sunsets, mountains, foggy panoramas, a life under the stars etc. I move on absolutely without any new purpose.

I just cut the sleeves off my jersey haha…

A Ferrari roars past me on the highway.
Forte!” I roar back fist waggling laughing to myself.

I go into the highway supermarket and smell the salamis, I can’t stop laughing to myself. Don’t look at the fat German young sisters with their parents buying pasta souvenirs!!! A sort of lesson in futility,

dear friend,

Even during the day I imagine myself on the bicycle, jack-knifing it up the hill, wiping the fucking floor with you.


Tuesday 11 August 2009


Imagine you are in Africa.

You are in Italy.

I miss you. No no no. Early morning steaming or late afternoon disintegrating. So much space to think.

The birds scatter through the vines as I cycle past them on the hill.

I feel cut and dried. No no no no. I feel like Lance Armstrong haha


Tuesday 4 August 2009


All the things I’ve seen…


The mountains always to the left as the train runs this way. Here everything flat, speeding through one piece of weather to the next. The rain, the low black clouds growling, the mist, the floury sun; everything is enormous and exact. The large hand that moves the weather moves so quickly.

He put his head out of the window and waited.

“I wanted it to belong to me.”

“That’s why I came here.”

Looking at the moon, eating lentils off my fingers…

How could my life, its irrepeatable sensations love etc. ever be sad if I continue further and further into the jungle alone?



Serves one for one day long

Sunday 2 August 2009

Eating Salad Everday Over Here

I’ve been doing this for years. Haha.

To thin my blood out.

I wondered whether it was possible to suicide myself and be born again. I thought maybe in life there are things you can only do once.

I got my education in… haha…

Where do you think I learnt to cook?

Outside my flat I have observed the following pieces of graffiti:
6 mesi 6 months
x sempre mia for ever mine
x sempre tuo for ever yours
pupa ti amo pupa I love you

If I become one thing can I then become another, completely different, afterwards? Or not?


Things happen

I brush past them, “I have other things to do”