Blasted confounded darkness and its accompanying shining lights!!?! I step out and push out. In the dark you don’t notice anything for kilometres. All of a sudden the colours swing past my head as I avoid the splayed and butchered carcasses and shattered ribcages on the dark greasy asphalt ahahaha. I NEVER SAID I LIKE CYCLING what a frickin bore!!!1!
I pull up at the blinding!!! Lights and some sharpshooter, some punk, pulls up to next to me cocking his wrists and says are the sunglasses Oakley is the helmet Giro are the shoes Sidi this is pro cyyyycling!!! I look at this hysterically shrieking CHILD, and this is what I tell young people, my glorious own sunset pink burning youth, back when the bad wind blew through the whole peloton, before the internet or even newspapers and it was just the shattering teeth of us in hotel rooms in far flung angles of Europe ahah, I say listen, first I say gloves never EVER wore them, a wasted and ripped bone-ful teenagehood in Tuscany with Cipo’ and some other Hungarian I’d like to hear from one day, listen carefully NO JERSEY my breeches tied around my waist and the shorts rolled up my ponytail my dark greasy skin the cool corridor and the sweat dripping of me coca-cola etc. etc. - what happens if you fall of yadda-yadda-yap-yap-yap LISTEN you don’t EVER think to fall because to think of it is like to think of an excuse each time you fuck you make an excuse for if you get caught, the time you get caught you’ve run out of excuses to make up to yourself. Do you understand?
This is MY youth and these are stories I tell the young ones, this is how I paint my youth to them throwing a hand back over the past but with a real urge just to talk PUSSY if I ever get the chance, they never understand they don’t have the depth of experience to understand what I mean, haha. Naturally.
A night ride is a flying saucer and a comet in the mind.